Tip 3: “October addition” | Involving Design Factors for client

 Our Monday "Tip of the week"

This month we'll talk about "Who or What is involved in design stage"?. 

Tip 3: Why is this important to know?


Recap of Tip 2: Functions of the people involved in the "design process"

Recap of Tip 1: Who is involved during the "design process"? https://rcdesignsblog.blogspot.com/2020/09/tip-1-october-addition-involvement.html

Knowing why you need to know this is important. 

Why is it important?

·        You get an idea of knowing who & what you need in both processes

·        By knowing this you can get an higher judicial authority in each situation

·        It also protects you from hiring the wrong people for your each task and finding out early who wants to take financial advantage of you


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