Project Update May 12th 2020

A view of the first 3D drawing from this project
This week's first project update is about one of my ongoing projects that is coming to an end. The client has chosen to withdraw the building permit submission. So yesterday I went to department of construction and home supervision. Here I learned the procedure of for doing this.

First off I had to write an official letter to this department. In which that isn't my strong suit but it went well. I'm also really happy that it looked like my drawings were flawless. Because I did get building drawings back.

To stay professional I'm going to write an official withdrawal letter to the client.

the different kitchen concepts sketches
Second ongoing project is last week's kitchen design. Last Friday I had an client meeting to discuss the kitchen design and we finally came to an conclusion. Today I will make the sketch and tonight I will mail for the prices. I also need to make an walk in closet concept for the client to get the prices for interior.

Today I have an client meeting to discuss an contractor's building offer.  So stay tuned how this project is going.

Stay tuned and check next weeks project update to see how this went.


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