Blog day 24

Going to jump without knowing where I will land. 
Goodmorning RC Designs readers,

The word for this Sunday would be fear. Friday my partner discussed fear on the Christian radio station. And today I'm fearful. Trying to remind myself of his words is hard when you're scared.

I'm fearful for another 5 years of people working and not always going further in life.  I'm fearful for our economy that my partner and I will not have our goals met in the time we set for ourself. I'm fearful for sicknes in my loved ones. I'm fearful for no growth. I'm fearful for not going to start up my business as it should be.

I've been working for years and honestly it's hard. I meet two types of people:

  1. They don't think I'm succeeding and making money so they feel sorry for me. And think living of my parents without any income like a child.
  2. They think I have a lot of free time and make more money. Plus have a lot of clients so they think that running their own business is possible for them because I am doing it.
But the reality is it's inbetween. No I don't always have a lot of money nor client's.  That I still do freelance work sometimes on my down time. And in this time I have other responsibilities. Plus I have to be really smart with my money and haven't given myself an paycheck yet for business growth reasons. Yes I'm succeeding and I can do a lot for the people I love. Including helping where I can. I have created the platform I wanted with help of my partner and lot's of self education. I proud of myself that with my angst I still push myself for my goals. I call it succeeding because their is growth even if it's small.

I'm ending this blog with extra prayer for the love of my life.

Have a blessed Sunday


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