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God's Angels | Day in the life RCD

  Stay close to people that believe in you, lift you up, and make you feel like it's good to be yourself Hello RCD readers, Do you believe in angels? I do. You can call it what you like but I do feel a sense of comfort that the Lord takes care of us through His angels.  Yesterday I had a Facebook memory of me making my online questionnaire for client's. It was the time where I was waiting for response for my business account and architect's permit. And it took me back the lessons I learned that time. The one in forefront would be patience. But something I didn't discussed was God's angels. Now I don't believe I was alone nor did anything alone during that time. And I always think back and see it as a calculated masterpiece from the Lord.  For my experience I felt that the Lord put people in my journey for specific purposes. My fear of failing and angst to take a big step I don't need to second guess I was coddled by the Lord.  I know that for a fact. The fri...

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