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Cup of tea | Day in the life RCD

Hello RCD readers, You are not required to be everyone's cup of tea.  As I'm busy with finishing a project. 3D design for an old client. I was flowing with inspiration. I could've stopped with designing a couple of days ago. But I came up with two more designs. So today I'm finishing the 3D concept and figuring out what he thinks. This a client which I have never personally worked with but his employees.  It is the first time we'll work together.  It's just a dance The client-architectural designer relationship is like a duet or let's say a pas de duex. We have to find each other's rhythm.  Real pas de deux Just as dance. The best dance partners are the one who listen and bring out the best out of each other. It is all about trust. You completely believe they won't let you fall. It helps when you also have a friendship or even more important chemistry. Not all chemistry are love interests. Most are just people that have a soul connection with each ot

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